Delivery Quote Request

UK delivery is included in our made-to-measure pricing with delivery supplements to Non-UK destinations calculated as part of the order confirmation - if you live outside of the UK please complete the form below & we will be happy to confirm a delivery supplement in advance of placing an order


Shipping to Europe - typically, delivery to most European countries is between £90-150 in addition to the UK pricing for an average height Tomcat or Fatcat unit.

Shipping to North America - we have lots of enquiries from the USA asking for shipping quotes & we are happy to provide these but please bear in mind the delivery supplement can be high if you don't live near a major city, typically the delivery supplement is between £300-£400 in addition to the UK pricing for an average height Tomcat or Fatcat unit.

Shipping to Asia, Australasia & other faraway places - we can advise on delivery supplements but based on experience, the price for delivery can be very high when compared to the cost of the unit, which is obviously very disappointing for the customers & cats making these enquiries.

Import duties, charges & local taxes - please remember that import duties, taxes & charges may also be due when ordering from outside of the UK - there is a handy Simply Duty tool that you can use to get an estimate on the total cost of importing a Hicat®.