AVM Wool Internals...

Some of you would have seen that our July Stock Item was a Tomcat 1 finished in AVM Wool both inside & out, which was a first for us - we will be offering this bespoke option to customers moving forward noting that the work involved will add around £20 for every compartment on top of the AVM Wool pricing.

This is because we need to centre the cuts inside the tube so that the side seams are as neat as possible & at best, invisible once the unit is assembled - the internal finishing to form Access Holes also needs additional work in cleaning up cuts & adding loops to exposed seam joins shown in the photo below.

We’re pleased we have this new bespoke option under our belt for customers that would like this finish option - we still feel that Twist Pile internals offer the best comfort but will be experimenting with some other internal finish options in the future from an aesthetic point of view.