Talking Ones & Twos...

We’ve not done any blogs on feline ablutions but after an email exchange between us & a customer on cat toilet arrangements we wanted to do some potty CHAT - we’ve tried a few litter trays over the years but a make shift toilet for our cats that we made 12 years ago has stood the test of time.

We were struggling to find a litter tray that was big enough to service our 4 cats & had the idea of using a translucent plastic catering storage container - it’s 450mm diameter meant that it was big enough for our 8kg Bengal cat Rudy & could hold enough litter for our three other cats Leroy, Tuco & Bello without having to constantly be on hand to do the clearance duties.

Being circular with a removal lid meant it was very easy to clean & our cats seem to really like the “no corners” approach when circling to pick their spot - we had to cut down the height slightly to get it to fit in our bathroom & added a Bobcat sized access hole along with a hole in the lid for ventilation, which was probably unnecessary but did make a nice design feature as it could be used to lift the lid one handed.