No USA Import Duties & Charges...

Shipping rates to the States are still high but there is some comfort in knowing that there won’t be any import taxes or charges to pay once your Hicat® arrives - we thought it would be good to confirm this ahead of our Christmas Stock release as when we started Hicat® 15 years ago there were duties & taxes to pay by US customers when importing our units so something has changed since 2008.

The HS commodity code for our products is 9403890090 & this was assigned to us by US Customs - if you follow the instructions on our Delivery Supplement page & use the Simply Duty tool to calculate import cost you’ll see that there shouldn’t be any import fees or taxes due.

We’ve also looked into USA import value thresholds, known as De Minimis, for our products but unfortunately we are unable to confirm what’s what - if you check the US Customs & Border Protection website you’ll see that a zero rated import charge is noted for household effects under $1,600 whilst the DHL website also sets a zero rate but have a De Minimis of $2,500.

We have made a point of checking with US based customers on import duties & taxes to see if they are being levied - so far all of the people we’ve contacted have said that they didn’t pay any additional charges when purchasing a Hicat® so, so far so good.
