Product Updates...

We’ve made another round of improvements across our product ranges along with packaging arrangements & assembly - seams on AVM & Coir units, install options for Freestanding units & more eco friendly packaging have all had the Kaizen treatment.

The Freestanding Base for Tomcat, Fatcat & Catapilla™ units will now come with 3 felt pads to use as protectors when Hicat® units are sitting on hard floors - these discs are made from the same felt offcuts that we have leftover from making Soft Seat Cat’s Cradles & will replace the foam pads, which to be honest haven’t been that effective as the weight of the unit compresses them down to almost nothing (we found this out when our Freestanding Fatcat demo unit was returned).

We are now applying a bead of black hot melt glue along the back seam on AVM BB Wool units if required & a similar glue treatment on other AVM Wool colours when the seam has an exposed cut - we have also been experimenting with applying a PVA mixture on Natural Coir seams & Peep Holes after fibres are applied to help with wear & tear, which may become the norm after some more testing.

All of our units now ship in cardboard boxes including our larger Fatcat & Tomcat Floor-To-Ceiling pieces - because of the maximum size & packaging weights that double walled cardboard can handle heavier & larger pieces may still need to be shipped in cradles & plastic.
